3 square meters
by GroundOne
down and up
Dome 0 is the base and top portion of a dodecahedron, constructed of 2 sizes of 3/4 inch emt steel struts.
The base is a decagon of 10 struts, above which are 55 more:
20 rising to another decagon, 10 that form that decagon,
15 rising from there to a pentagon, 5 that form that pentagon
and 5 rising to the top
inside and outside
The bottom half of the dodecahedron is an anti-dome in a pit.
Imaginary struts are in opposite orientation to the real ones:
20 falling to an anti-decagon,10 that form it,
15 falling from there to an anti-pentagon and 5 that form that
Previous and Next
The upper decagon has 10 angles, the ones connecting the short struts are slightly lower. The pentagon has 5 angles. Each of these angles and the top have handles.

Below ground is the base decagon in a pit, with a cord stretched across it. The dome drops into the pit until the upper decagon is just above ground level.
Water flow
Rain water drains into the pit and the mud it forms is extracted
The dome looks dangerous, but is safe. It can scare those not in the know
Tools and preparations
Shovels, Picks, Rakes, and Wrenches. Also power tillers, hoses and nozzles.

Dig a foot deep of dirt out of the dome, this will be hundreds and hundreds of shovelfuls. Rake it away. Climb on the dome, shake it and rotate it. Dig a second foot of dirt out of the dome. Remove a strut to make entry easy
location owls.assist.strut
Every 3 square meters of land on the planet is identified by a unique combination of three words.
Dome 0 is at owls.assist.strut

More land is needed to spread the earth removed from this area. 82 ft x 82 ft, or 5/32 of an acre is plenty. Think of this as only a small amount

77 million owners hold the 1.3 billion acres of private US land, about 17 acres each
Materials and excavation
Steel struts with holes on the ends, 35 long (36'') and 30 short (32'') made from 1 inch or 3/4 inch emt, washers, nuts and bolts.

Wait till the rain, flood, tropical storm or hurricane, then tread a path around it. Drive a stake deep into the earth in one of the base decagon corners, rotate it again and again deepening the pit