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Sherman Goodrich

Biography: ABOUT THE ARTIST “Today’s art is tomorrow’s masterpiece. There have been no exceptions to that rule from the very beginning.” - Andy Warhol- INDULGE…ENJOY… AND INVEST IN TODAY’S ART. Sherman Goodrich has been an internationally published illustrator in the commercial, editorial and animation arena for over twenty-five years. His work has enhanced the personal collections of celebrities and heads-of-state alike, "Many of whom I'd like to call good personal friends...but they asked me not to." His cartoons have graced the pages of most major magazines. He spent five years under contract to Nickelodeon developing animation for 'Rugrats' and 'The Wild Thornberrys', and has produced over 200 animated TV spots. Sherman was also a syndicated editorial cartoonist when Watergate broke, then spent a year as a commentary humorist on television via an editorial news segment on CBS TV out of San Diego, California called “Draw Your Own Conclusions”. In addition, he has been responsible for creating ad campaigns for some of the biggest agencies in the country, including the Flamingo Casino and Resorts which ran nationwide for six years. Recently, he has produced more and more artwork that is computer generated and/or enhanced to satisfy the desire of clients to license his illustrations for the Internet. Now Goodrich has taken this art form to new heights, combining his artistic talents with this greatest of all graphic tools, allowing him to go places that Picasso could only dream of. “A certain number of pseudo-sophisticates will turn their collective noses up at the concept, but only for the moment.” said Sherman, “Of course, they didn’t much care for ‘talkies’ or the ‘horseless carriage’ at first either. However, who can deny that many of the great masters themselves would have embraced this medium as enthusiastically as they did their own paintbrush and palette. Throughout history, artists have been innovators. That will not change. The market will.” Country: United States Galleries: Tomorrow's Masterpiece Awards: Though new to the Digital Fine Art arena, Sherman has won numerous awards in his chosen field including: AAF Best of Show; Telly Gold Award and Best of Show; Addy Awards; the Art Schumann Award; and many others. Media: computer or digital art Style: abstract Subjects: light and color