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Jan Steinman

Biography: Jan Steinman's father had a darkroom in their southeast Michigan house, and so his photography career began as soon as he was tall enough to get his hands in the stop bath, "helping" his father. Although technology diverted his career into engineering for a couple decades along the way, Jan never lost touch with art, doing free-lance work and taking classes over the years. "It kept me sane," says Jan, "while surrounded by the typical insanity of high-tech business." In 1997, Jan combined his deep technical knowledge with his artistic roots to work full-time on producing unique, translucent prints of his nature photography, for hanging in windows like stained glass. "I should be flattered; I must make it look easy," Jan complains, "but getting the archival longevity and brightness I required, plus the difficulty of mounting and presenting this media -- all this has been an engineering and artistic challenge." Jan exihibits his unique work at galleries and exhibitions throughout the US Pacific Northwest. He is planning a national tour in 2003/2004. Country: USA Birthyear: 1955 Galleries: Streff Gallery, Marylhurst University; Heart Gallery, Sellwood, Oregon; Skylight Gallery, Clackamas, Oregon; West Linn City Hall Council Chambers; numerous art festivals. Media: photography Style: realistic Subjects: landscapes and nature