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Huseyin Avni Lifij

Biography: 1886 Hüseyin Avni (Lifij) Samsun ili Ladik ilçesine baðlý Karaaptalsultan Köyünde doðdu. Huseyin Avni Lifij was born in the village of Karaaptalsultan in Ladik, Samsun. 1887 Ailesi Ýstanbul'da Rumeli Hisarýna yerleþti. His family moved to Rumeli Hisar, Istanbul. 1893 1893-1896. Ýlk öðrenimini Fatihte, Aþýkpaþa mahallesindeki mahalle okulunda yaptý. Bu okulda resim ve müzik dersleri ile ilgilendi. 1893-1896. He went to primary school at Asikpasa Mahallesi in Fatih, Istanbul. In the school he was interested in painting and music courses. 1896 1896-1898. Orta öðrenimini Nadir Beyin Þehzadebaþýndaki "Numune-i Terakki Mektebi"nde yaptý. Ýdadi mezunu bir kiþiden ilk Fransýzca dersini aldý. 1896-1898. He did his secondary education in "Numune-i Terakki Mektebi" in Sehzadebasi, Istanbul. He started to take French lessons from a private tutor. 1898 1898-1900 arasý hasta olduðundan okula gönderilmedi. 1898-1900. He was not able to attend school because of illness. 1901 Nafýa Nezaretinin Demiryollarý Müdürlüðü'nde iþe girdi. Fransýzca öðrenmek için "Alyans Ýsraelit" okuluna kýsa bir süre devam etti. Ýskender Ferit Bey'den özel Fransýzca dersi almaya baþladý. He started to work in the Railways Department of Ministry of Public Works. He attended for a short period "Alyans Israelit" school to learn French, and started taking private lessons in French from Iskender Ferit Bey. 1903 1903-1904. Fransýzca dersleri devam etti. Anatomi öðrenmek için "Mülkiye Týbbýyesi"ne, boya tekniðini öðrenmek için de "Eczacý Mektebi"nin Fizik ve Kimya derslerine dinleyici öðrenci olarak katýldý. 1903-1904. He continued taking French lessons from Iskender Ferit Bey. Attended anatomy classes in Medical School and physics and chemistry classes in Pharmacy School as a listener. 1906 Ýskender Ferit ve yeni tanýþtýðý Henri Prost, resimlerini Müze Müdürü Osman Hamdi Beye götürmesini önerdiler. Genç ressamýn pipolu oto portresini beðenen Osman Hamdi Bey, bundan sonra yapacaðý resimleri kendisine göstermesini istedi. Iskender Ferit and Henri Prost advised him to take his paintings to Osman Hamdi Bey, the well known Turkish painter who was also the founder and director of the Museum. Osman Hamdi Bey, who liked the selfportrait of the young artist, asked him to show him his further works. 1908 (Ýkinci Meþrutiyet). Hüseyin Avni, Müze Müdürü Osman Hamdi Bey tarafýndan Ab... to see complete biography, click on artists name Country: Turkey Media: oil Style: impressionistic