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Bo Davidsson

Biography: My vision is to create images that many people can relate to, recognize and be touched by. The pictures also shows a part of me, how I experience the world and my own life. To express oneself through images is more personal than one may think. Pictures have become a way to communicate and express myself, but also a way of getting to know myself on a deeper level. I was glad when a person summed up his impression about an exhibition with these words; impressions, stories and history. That's the way I feel, I want my pictures to tell a story. I want the viewer to be able to relate and experience. When that happens, there is a sort of communication, a connection between the picture and the viewer. You can see the pictures as confessions and expressions of my values, what's important to me. I wish the pictures will make room for and invite to reflection, to take a little break in your everyday life ... Country: Sweden Birthyear: 1956 Media: photography Style: realistic Subjects: landscapes and nature