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gustavo moller Biography: Formally initiated his career in graphic art at the studios of cultural institute coahuilense. In the early stages of his work, he used an exacting and highly rigorous technique in dry point. Gradually, his artistic techniques were transformed by the influences of expressionism and symbolism, in addition, through constant experimentation whit the materials, he has achieved rich contrasts of texture in his pieces, working whit abstract art, his graphic process creates a unique and entirely world of color, he balance the line and color like a symphony. In only a few years, his artistic corpus has made a deep impact on the Mexican fine art, cense numerous solo and groups exhibitions have been met., whit unqualified praise and Moller´s works has been decorated whit many awards including the prestigious FIORINO D´ORO from the XVI PREMIO FIRENZE 1998 in Florence, Italy. In 0ct. 2004 Winner of MINIPRINT INTERNATIONAL OF CADAQUÉS , BARCELONA, SPAIN .He continues to gain respect and notoriety as a unique and uncompromising artist as his work´s showplace expands around the world. Country: mexico Birthyear: 1947 Galleries: paint artwork Awards: PREMIOS INTERNACIONALES -1998 PRIMER LUGAR EN GRAFICA, PREMIADO CON EL "FIORINO D´ORO" con la obra "CEREMONIA" XVI PREMIO FIRENZE, Florencia, Italia. -1999 FINALISTA EN GRAFICA, PREMIADO CON LA "MOSTRA VIRTUALE" con la obra "APOCALIPSIS" XVII PREMIO FIRENZE, Florencia, Italia. -1999 SELECCIONADO EN GRÁFICA 1er Salón Internacional de arte SIART".con la obra "EMAÚS" La Paz, Bolivia. -1999 DOS MENCIONES HONORÍFICAS, 28th. International art show Brownsville art leage. Con las obras "ANGELES" y "DIVINOS" Brownsville, Texas. USA. -2002 FINALISTA EN PINTURA, PREMIADO PARA EXPONER EN “ EXPO GALERÍA VÍA LARGA” con la obra “ESCRITO ESTÁ” XX PREMIO FIRENZE, Florencia Italia. -2004 FINALISTA EN PINTURA, PREMIO VIRTUAL “RED ABSTRACCIÓN” ROMA, ITALIA -2004 GANADOR EN EL 24th MINIPRINT INTERANTIONAL CADAQUES , BARCELONA ESPAÑA -2005 SEGUNDO LUGAR EN COMPETENCIA” ANNUAL 2005” ROMA , ITALIA Media: other, printmaking Style: other, abstrac figurative Subjects: geometric shapes
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