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Paula C. Fonseca Biography: Paula C. Fonseca, also known as Beebah, is an inspired mixed media artist. Originally from Portugal, Paula was raised in Kitimat -a small, industry town set in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. It was during these early years that she, and those around her, came to discover her creative talent. Paula devoted her childhood and adolescent years to creative expression through successful participation in countless projects and competitions. Upon graduating from Simon Fraser University with a B.A. in psychology and English, Paula decided to combine her interest in psychology and personal development with her passion for art; she enrolled in a two-year graduate program in Art Therapy at the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute. It was during the course of her training to become a therapist that Paula's creativity truly blossomed. Experimentation with a wide variety of media and previously unexplored color awakened a deeper need to create and, eventually, the need to reach others through her creations. Paula most often works with pen, pencil crayons, pastels, acrylic paint and creative software including Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop. Her images are a reflection of the world within the Soul. They are uniquely uplifting, inspirational and, often whimsical, in nature. It is the sincere desire of the artist that her artwork touches the hearts of her clients. Country: Canada Birthyear: 1973 Galleries: 1998 Pendragon Cafe: NewWestminster B.C. 1998 Womynsware: Vanvouver B.C. Media: computer or digital art Style: spiritual Subjects: other, exploration of the relationship between the emotional/spiritual and the physical human experience
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