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Lia Tejera Biography: Lia Gabriela Tejera de Garat was born in the city of San Salvador, province of Entre Rios in Argentina on February 4, 1945. She became an elementary school teacher in the city of Concepcion del Uruguay in the province of Entre Rios in Argentina. She then continued her education in odontoly at the Universidad National de Rosario in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Extremely tallented in the arts she persued extensive art training from the following prestegious artists and architects: 'Estudios de Pintura' with Sandra Bonnin; 'Concurrencia al Taller' from Valeria Marasco; 'Clases de artes Visuales' with Mariela Rey; 'Tecnicas de la Expresion y Practica Instrumental' with Elena Acquarone (Architect); Numero de Oro and 'Practica de Pintura Acrilica'(1998 through 2001) with Elena Acquarone (Architect) Lia has been exhibiting her art since 1997 in different galleries individually or collectively in Argentina. Country: Argentina Birthyear: 1945 Galleries: Her works can be found in a permanent exhibit at the Civic Center of San Salvador (Entre Rios); at the house of E. Rios of the Federal Capital incorporated to the General Inventory of assets of the Representation of the Government of Entre Rios in the Federal Capital; in the Latinamerican Art Museum of Miami (USA); and the Aiud Foundation, Jud.Alba, Rumania. They have also been established in several workshops of her natal province. In 2003 participated in a collective exhibit "Talleres de Buenos Aires" at the Museo Historico Antigua cada de la Moneda, Buenos Aires. In 2004 exhibited at the Argentine Embassy in Washington, DC, USA. Awards: Year 2000: Seleccion 7 "Salon Pequeno formato" Laboratorio Schering Capital Federal. Seleccion Salon Primavera Pintura "EdeA2000" Secretaria de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Mencion Especial en "Paisajismo", Medalla y Diploma. Salon Primavera de Pintura Aniversario 2000 "Loft Espacio Alfa" Capital Federal. 2a Mencion y Diploma "Salon Primavera El Volcan 2000", El Volcan, Prov de San Luis. Seleccion en Gran Salon de Arte Y Color. Centro de Arte Nuevo Abasto XXI, en Capital Federal. Mencion Especial "Salon Viejo Buenos Aires", capital Federal. Year 2001: 3er Premio en Concurso No. XX de Paisajes. Salon de Arte Nacional de Gendarmeria Nacional. Capital Federal. Seleccion en "Mail Art Camp". Aiug (Rumania). Seleccion Concurso arte de Tapa "Paginas Amarillas", Costa del Rio Uruguay. Mencion "IV Salon de la Figura Humana y del Desnudo" Centro Cultural "Yukio Mishima". Capital Federal. 2da Mencion en Pintura. Circulo de Bellas Artes, y Neumann y Asociados. Capital Federal. Year 2002: Mencion en XII Salon Tema Libre Centro Cultural Yukio Mishima. Seleccion en el 7mo. Salon Nacional de Plastica. Gran Premio de Honor, Museo Roca 2002, Capital Federal. Seleccion en Salon Primavera 2002 -- Fundacion Miguel Margulies y Codei, Hospital Fernandez, Capital Federal. Seleccion en 9no Salon Pequeno Formato, Laboratorios Schering, Capital Federal. Year 2003: Seleccion en "Salon Forma de Verano 2003" en Galeria Forma. Mencion de Honor en Concurso Internacional de Arte Gran Premio de Honor, "Paisaje" en Galeria de las Naciones, Arte Internacional. Seleccion en XI Salon Regional de Pintura--Raquel Forner. Fundacion AVON para la mujer. Seleccion en VI Salon de Dibujo y Pintura (pequeno formato) Gal. Braque 2003, Capital Federal. Mencion de Honor del Jurado en II Salon International de Arte TOUT PETIT, Bs.As. 2003. Galeria de las Naciones. Media: oil Style: realistic, Abstract Subjects: landscapes and nature, Abstract People, Portraits and Characters
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