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Ana Garrett Biography: I have a National Society of Beaux Arts Painting Course and a Professional Painting course from the Culture Ministery from Portugal. I'm a Member of the Associations of Painters and Sculptors ArcoArtis (Portugal) I'm a Fantastic Art painter. Paintings Expositions: INDIVIDUAL : GALLERY NAME TOWN YEAR NAME OF THE EXPOSITION Gallery Bar Adágio, Entroncamento - 1997 Fundição de Oeiras, Cascais - 1999 - "Magic and Esoterism" Akhenaton Gallery, Lisbon - 2000 - "Born in Vitro" King Arthur´s Gallery, Sto António dos Cavaleiros -2001 - "Fairies, Angels and others enchantments" HB Gallery Restaurant, Lisbon - 2001 "Wind Passengers" New Art Space Gallery, Lisbon - 2001 "A Fairy tale to enchanted Dragons" Recreios Gallery Amadora 2001 "Enchantment Portals" COLECTIVE EXPOSITIONS I realized 30 colective expositions in places like: Nª Sra. da Conceição Church - Queluz National Exposition Center - Santarém Cultural Centre from Damaia - Amadora Superior Theatre and Cinema School - Amadora Banco de Portugal - Lisbon Cultural Centre from Vila Real Sto António - Algarve Electricity Museum - Lisbon Tools with Art Gallery - Lisboa José Régio Bibliothec - Amadora Cultural Space from São Domingos - Sintra National Society of Beaux Arts - Lisbon and others Country: Portugal Birthyear: 1968 Galleries: Gallery Bar Adágio, Entroncamento Fundição de Oeiras, Cascais Akhenaton Gallery, Lisbon King Arthur´s Gallery, Sto António dos Cavaleiros HB Gallery Restaurant, Lisbon New Art Space Gallery, Lisbon Recreios Gallery Amadora Awards: 2 Honours mentions Media: acrylic Style: fantasy Subjects: other, Fantasy
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