rajiv seth Artist Page

© 2024 rajiv seth

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rajiv was born in india - brought up primarily by servants - in a house full of art books and records - where parents were rarely seen except at dinner when they briefly appeared - beautifully dressed on their way out to their endless round of cocktails dinner and nightclub - fascinated by the images in these books he was drawn to spare beauty of oriental art - its poetical treatment of time - its way of dealing with space - its suggestiveness -its invitation to interpretation - so when he chose to pursue his own career in photography - he went to japan to hone his skills - then to the us to practice -

abstract images that blur the line between photography and painting - that suggest something rather than spell it out - that speak to the soul - are what intrigue him -

he lives in california - that neverland of simulacra - the state that so typifies our preoccupation with the possible - that babylon...

he works in color - simulating dreams - experiences that offer insights into our souls - he prefers large prints as their very size humbles us to introspection - a pursuit modern man 'has little or no time for' - his images are all found - no set up or manipulation - prefers simplicity - takes pride in using the best lenses money can buy - but pooh-poos most talk of equipment and technique - preferring talk of ideas -

to understand his work he suggests visiting his website - www.rajivart.com - the thousand words thing... -
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