christian Demare Artist Page

© 2024 christian Demare

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In the flood of images and ideas, may I humbly call your attention to my work. In the digital era, and the hyper-communicability of the web, I have decided to present my work on different places of the web, for a wider and more immediate accessibility. In this particular place, you will find, of course, my work (from oldest to latest paintings, drawings and photographs), but also multiple entries to references (visual, literary and audio) that are inextricably linked to my work.

To participate to this "digital age", I update my work in almost real time. Thus, the accumulation of images, links and entries tend to provoke a sense of confusion and profusion — trying to highlight palpitations, confusion and contradictions of our contemporary world .

It is in this state of mind that I have created and I that develop my website:
Studios of christian Demare

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