Pritika James Artist Page

© 2024 Pritika James

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Artist Profile

Name: Pritika James

Born in Fiji

Educated in New Zealand

Currently enrolled at Chisholm Insitiute Dandenong,Victoria,Australia
Majoring in Painting and Printmaking
also minor studies in
photography and drawing.

Artist Statement

Focusing on my own identity as a subject matter, my artwork largely consists of abstract self-portraits. The depicting of colour and patterns in my own culture and identity as a Fijian Indian and the diversity of cultures by which I’m surrounded.The main technique I use in the construction of my artwork, is the building up of colours, and of Pacific and Asian inspired motifs.

My interest in the detail and intricacy of design on Indian fabrics in particular, is reflected in the patterns, shapes, in the movement of brush strokes, and the tension and drama in the compiostion. Shapes and forms are different in each artwork, and the pace changes from
franetic to sedate.

Visually stimulating and culturing challenging my artwork aims to mesmirise the viewer.My intention is the viewer should be able to discover something new, with each glance at each piece whilst still retaing a cohesive whole.

Studios of Pritika James

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