Jay Smithline Artist Page

earthlings watching a box in rapt. dumbness
© 2024 Jay Smithline

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Jay (dots) Smithline West Coast FUNISM ambassador
Biography = boring dot head making lots of dots,using tons of spray paint and covering the finest aged masonite with stupid idols and pop goobers plus power crazed politicians with chase & place
hair and very small minds...............I try to never leave my fantastic studio (cobweb covered garage) to journey into the mall of life......
my work , FUNIST go-ga is a dreadfull eyesore and in very bad taste........I was raised on Zimdar by potty trained shecklanders
Our flem drive sub space s.u.v. was damaged in your planet's
smog when we stopped at 7-11 for slurpies & chunky protoplasm
burritos. I wandered into the burb of Calabasas California and
mated with a leaf blower .I am the proud father of 2 lovely female
leaf blowers. I miss Zimdar's food and my pet kremlop.....
I will return when i have painted 23 fernhubs of tasteless
visions of your planet.............
Studios of Jay Smithline

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