Heinrich Gustav Artist Page

Kunstmarkt von Heinrich Gustav
© 2024 Heinrich Gustav

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At September 5. 1969 born in the town Saidaiji Japan. (today part of city
OKAYAMA) Japanese original name: Miaki Okuyama
1985`88 Designstudy at the Highschool in Okayama, finisched with graduation.

1989 Germanstudy at Goehte-Institut in Schwaebisch=Hall and Bremen(Germany)

1989`90 Temporary service at cityhall in Okayama

1991`95 Artstudy at the state Artakademie Dresden(Germany)
Cource: painting/grafik and artscience and theorie(anatomie, architecture,
aesthetics, history and psychologie) finished With greduation.

1992`95 Near the artstudy, medicalstudy at the academie of medicine Dresden as gueststudent (anatomie and medical psychologie)

June 4h `25. 1994 first exhibition in St. Maria church Angermuende.(Ger)

May 24`June 15. 1995 exhibition in Altmaerkisches Museum Stendal.(Ger)

Publication in artbook "Kunst der Altmark" by M,K,H edition(l995)
Since 1995 activity as German-Japanese transrater/interpreter.

Aug 25`Sept23. 1996 ejdtlibition in "Mori Ohgai" memorial museum Tuwano.
(Japannese partnertown with Berlin-Mitte since 1995)

July 17`Aug 25. 1997 exhibition in Weddinger Cityhall Berlin.
Official commendantion from Berlin-Wedding.
Since April l997 lecturer at Hairfaschn college in Okayama(Japan)
(Cource: Art, Illustlation, Modehistory)

Jan `Feb 1998 transrater/interpreter for Winterolympic in Nagano. (Japan).
Aug 30`Okt 30. 1998 exhibition in St.Petri chapel of Dom Brandenburg/H(Ger) at 1050years anniversary of the city.
Contribution ca,120pictures to Berlin and ca,36piece to Dommuseum Brandenburg, from it recived "Oder of honar" from Berlin-Wedding and commendantion with Medall from Dommuseum Brandenburg.

Dez 98`Jan 99 transration of text the College for Welfare in Rheinland-Pfalz(Ger) to the japanese ministry of health and Welfare
Contribution ca, 22pictures for Altmaerkischen Museum Stendal(Ger)and for
church Angermuende, from it commendantion from Stendal(Apr 2000)

Sept`Dez 2000 design and buildguidance for Mainhouse of the artists Family.

Nov 3`18. 2001 exhibition in St.Petri chapel of Dom Brandenburg/H(Ger)

Dez 2`Feb 24. 2001 exhibition in Weddinger Heimatmuseum Berlin-Mitte at 300years anniversary of Kingdom Prussia and 750years of Berlin-Wedding. Issue of Poster, Poscard and eventcalender with titelpicture ofthe artist by culture section of cityhall Berlin-Mitte.
Start of standing exhibition in St. Maria church Angermuende (2pictures)
and in cityhall Berlin-Wedding (1picture since 2002)

June 2002 transration of newspaper in old german manuscript"Sutterin" by germanprisners of W,W,I in Naruto(japannese partnercity with Lueneburg
Ger since 1974)

Apr20`top of July 2003 exhibition in villagechurch Boossen-Frankfurt/0 at 750years anniversary of Frankfurt/0

Sept 5`0kt 26. 2003 exhibition in German Housemuseum in Naruto(Japan)

July 2005 opening this Homepage"Artmarket" in lnternett.
Now plan the standing exhibition in Berlin Mitte Museum and cityhall.

Dec 13. 2008`Jan 18. 2009 exhibition in German Housemuseum in Naruto(Japan)
Start of standing exhibition in this museum (1picture)

Dec 16. 2009`Jan 24. 2010 exhibition in German Housemuseum in Naruto(Japan)

Dez 19. 2010 `Jan 29. 2011 Exhibition for 150 years anniversary of
Prussian-japanese traety of friendship and trade (Jan 24.1861) in German Housemuseum in Naruto.
After the recognition of German embassy and consul.
Studios of Heinrich Gustav

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