Beverley Ashe Artist Page

The Flower Eater
© 2024 Beverley Ashe

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My work gravitates toward the visionary – with images culled from archetype, dreams & surroundings. In the studio, I am often exploring a kind of dark dream – where secret games are played, and nightmares can be beautiful.

I’m not interested in conventional forms of beauty – rather in the kind that has scars, deformities, crooked teeth, the occasional malignance. My angels are not perfect beings – but instead reflect stages of human growth where hard lessons are learned and spirit is transformed.

While I often include an element of humor in my work, there tends to be a subtext or an undertow. It’s important for me to face the fear, anxiety, anger – and allowing them to just be. I believe in maintaining a relationship with my demons as well as my angels – neither of which could exist without the other.

For full resume & statement go to:
Studios of Beverley Ashe

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