Ambur Guglielmo Artist Page

© 2024 Ambur Guglielmo

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Ambur Guglielmo
is an up and coming artist
from Chicago, Illinois
with a flair for the unique and unusual!
She graduated from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh with a degree in Graphic Design
and she now resides in the Cleveland area.
Ambur has a flourishing fine art and jewelry business...
works can be spotted on Cleveland's West Side, Hudson, Ohio and in Boston.
Ambur specializes in Logo Designs
and Creative Poster and Ad Designs...
CD covers, promotional flyers and signage for all your business needs.
Beautiful hand crafted Jewlery and Body Art Designs to match and accentuate your style and personality.
Portraits and Sketches for a more personal touch.
Unique and original Painted Works
or Mural Designs to enhance your living space.
Studios of Ambur Guglielmo

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