Allan Revich Artist Page

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© 2024 Allan Revich

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I have always been interested by the conceptual basis for art. What is art? Does art have to be beautiful? Does it have to be meaningful, and if so to whom? In my work I try to explore these and other issues around visual representation. My recent work explores the Fluxus movement and related modern and post-modern avante gardes.

Artists whose work I admire include; Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, John Cage, Ray Johnson, Yoko Ono, George Maciuanas, Al Hansen, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso. I also follow the work and theories of my contemporaries. My work is also influenced by social, political, and theoretical discourse from the world at large.

It is my hope that my works succeed at least so far as they remain both conceptually interesting and visually appealling to viewers.
Studios of Allan Revich

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